What is Evidence of AGW?

It’s the big question at the moment…what really constitutes (or would constitute) evidence that anthropogenic (or man-made) CO2 is the primary driver of the earths climate?

Thankfully, the brilliant statistician William M. Briggs gives us the low-down here.

It’s worth remembering his points when you next watch an alarmist news report on man-made global warming.

Andy Jones TV: Viewer Mail

Thanks to everyone who sends me comments, questions and interesting thought-experiments. I can’t reply to all of them, but here’s a few questions raised on Andy Jones TV and my responses:

The Banking Crisis:

Andy Jones TV: Force The Royal Mail to Compete

My Take:

I had a number of people asking me to comment on the behavior of the unions with regards to the Royal Mail, but I’ve got a different argument to make: The Royal Mail is incompetent. The only reason that it stagnates so badly as a business is because it’s starved of the one thing that breeds competence for so many other businesses: competition.

Some say that having other people delivering the mail for profit is not economically viable. But they said that about couriers and were proved wrong. It’s almost impossible to my reckoning that those same nay-sayers will be right this time, but so what if they are? Let’s keep the Royal Mail as it is for a while, but at the same time, remove the anti-competition laws. Let’s see how good the Royal Mail actually is compared to these other businesses! I’m is sure that the prices will go down, and the quality of service will go up. And based on the track record of the REAL free market, it’d be pretty foolish to bet against that.

You only think that the Royal Mail should be the sole delivery of letters, etc., only because you’ve never really objectively thought of other people doing it.

Is the Time Nearing For Treason?

As the characteristically eloquent Daniel Hannan points out, as of today, Britain ceased to be the principle architect of its own destiny.

And it seems, the only legal way out on our own terms is now officially to commit treason.

Which is ironic, considering that “treason” happens to be the working title of my next book…