Stephen King and George RR Martin: A meeting of minds

Well, I don’t know how, but we made it to the end of another year. Here we are, and 2020 is on the horizon. May 2020 bring you the clarity its name suggests, and I wish you every success – be it in things writing-related or not.

As we’re quickly approaching the festive season, I appreciate that it might be hard to take some time for yourself for a little indulgence, but I thought that if you do have time, why not watch something interesting?

This is a little over three years old, but I found it to be a really sweet conversation between the legendary Stephen King and the (nowadays) equally loved George RR Martin. It’s interesting when writers “interview” writers. As with this piece in places, they might not always get around to an actual question. It’s sometimes an observation about something that they do themselves, and then they try and see if the other writer does it too. It’s fun for writers to discover our commonalities I think.

Anyway, here it is. Happy Holidays, and enjoy!