NEW BOOK: Back in the Shadows

It’s done. My new book is here. I wrote it back in 2019, but it’s been up and down with a literary agent and publisher for quite a while before I decided to just release it myself. I want it “out there” far more than I want any sort of deal right now, so that will all have to wait, if it happens at all.

But yes, here it is, my new novel, Back in the Shadows.

You might notice that it’s not my name on the top. Well, that’s still me. I’ll write more about this at a later date, but I’ve had some really valuable advice from the above-mentioned literary agent, regarding the reasons people pick pen-names and the sort of name to consider. I took one that ticked many of these boxes, and I’m actually quite happy with it. It’ll separate it from the rest of my previous work, but Drew David is what I’ll be using for new novels.

I had the idea for this story as I started writing Succession of Power, and it’s just stuck with me for some time. In a strange way, it’s ended up being one of the most personal pieces I’ve ever written on some level. Again I’m sure I’ll explore that point at a later date.

Anyway, it’s yet another labour of love, so I hope you’ll enjoy it. You can see more at my store here, or if you’d rather dive straight into Amazon, the US site is stocking it, as is the UK site – and most of the others around the world, in both paperback and ebook form.

