My new book: Stone Dead

Well, it’s been out for a while now, so I thought I’d give it a plug!

Yes, this is “Stone Dead”, my new thriller which I wrote last year in the summer.

The first draft came together over a couple of months, then I engaged in a little work on it since then to turn it into a tighter piece. I wanted it to be a fast-paced story, with twists and turns that encourage the reader to breathlessly run through it at a rate of knots.

We follow Tony Stone, a member of what’s known as The King’s Messengers. They are a real team, working out of the Foreign Office. The greyhound on the cover is the badge they use as a symbol of their position. Generally their job is a straightforward one. They carry diplomatic pouches with information/items of vital importance to the crown. I’d cranked them up to 11 to make them a little more James Bond-esque. Tony is called upon to fake his own death then start working in the criminal underworld, in order to infiltrate a global criminal empire.

The story idea was knocking around my mind for a good few years, but it was only when I had a separate idea about how the “family that gets left behind” would react to hearing their loved one has died, and what if they wanted to investigate what happened themselves, in order to uncover the truth. THAT’S when I realised I had a proper story! Tony Stone’s wife Lydia fulfils this role, and she’s easily my favourite character in the whole novel!

Anyway, I’ve really enjoyed writing this, and I hope you enjoy reading it. If you get even just 1% out of it what I have writing it, I think it’ll be worth your time.

You can pick up copies in Kindle and paperback form, and find out more here.

Thank you – and keep writing!
